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Hobby film photography into! Practical Guide to Buying Film

time:2020-07-14 15:47 clicks:



In 2018, film, as a photography carrier that has been lonely for more than a decade, has been heated up. People may use film photography for a variety of purposes, but the purpose of taking good pictures is the same. The author on their own exposure to the film camera and understand some of the information, to give you to do a simple purchase strategy and analysis.


The content of this article, in film photography success rate under the condition of keeping as much as possible to show the charm of film photography and stable way fun this organization under the precondition of, for this reason, not reliable design (such as cadmium sulphide is, in my view points to the photometric components, it may be mistaken operation wound/shutter operation mode is also reduce breakdown, unable to custom ISO is reduce breakdown) I will try to explain.


I have to say, this is a big job: as the most widely consumed photographic carrier, 135 film has produced too many famous cameras, as well as many cameras with courage, ideas and feelings. Of course, my ability is limited, I can not cover all the cameras, if there is omission is inevitable.


Photographic equipment is also a part of the fun of photography, the machine sea, find the machine you like, while it has not been profiteers fry high before, quickly collect it.


The content is very long, if lazy to read, skilled use of the search function to direct your current saliva machine.


The general theory of


I personally divide 135 cameras into three categories:


Interchangeable or large RF cameras, best known as Leica.


SLR camera (SLR).


PS camera, namely pocket portable camera.


Considering that some historical and ancient machines (such as German Forenda, Pan Taikang, Meyer, early M42 system of Fujica camera, etc.) are not reliable or simply no metering, mechanical fast curtain speed is not accurate and other problems, most




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