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Film industry secrets: 8 hours exposure, buy supplies for th

time:2020-07-14 15:54 clicks:


In the era of digital video and audio, film is actually better than memory cards. After reading this article, you will know.
Film and video tapes are essential to the traditional video industry. For the last century, Kodak led the world with film. Even in the 1990s, owning a Kodak camera as a gift for buying Kodak film was still standard for successful people, and being able to take a family photo with your own camera and leave the film behind was the most fashionable thing to do in a photo studio.
It is said that the film sold so well that businessmen of all kinds were so eager to buy it that there were even counterfeits of Kodak film. In 2000, Chengdu inspected 172 film retail stores, 55 of which were selling counterfeit Kodak film, showing the popularity of Kodak film.

Later, film was replaced by digital cameras and memory cards, and the traditional image industry rapidly declined and disappeared from the public eye. Back in 1981, SONY invented the "Mavica" still video camera, a prototype of the digital camera that had foretold the demise of Kodak film.

Film also has a different name, called negative. The nickname seems to be more familiar to us. As children, many of our negatives were tucked away in books, locked away in cabinets, and regarded as "mysterious objects". So now, it is also common to hear old people "cameras do not use film" this phrase.


However, don't panic, the film that you regard as childhood memory, has not completely disappeared, but is a special nourishing life.

The glory and the decay of film


Many people thought the film industry had disappeared because they just took "camera film" for all "film". But camera film is only one member of the film family, which is much larger than we know.


A film is actually a roll of film, and film consists of a photosensitive emulsion layer and a film base, to put it bluntly.



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